NSW 2019 state election
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NSWVotes19 - election stories
Here are 2 stories and one video that I want to share before the NSW election. Abortion -It's Time; Selling NSW -Berejiklian style; and a video about tolls
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How WestConnex owner Transurban bought influence with LNP and Labor in 2017/2018
Why wouldn't NSW Labor even cost what it would take to cancel Stage 3 of WestCONnex? Does part of the answer lie in Transurban donations?
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WestCONnex dirty secrets exposed - St Peters pollution
What sort of operation deliberately hides air monitoring results from parents with sick children? You guessed it. Transurban which controls SMC
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Sydney Stadium court case reveals it will cost only $1 million to cancel Sydney Stadium contract
Sydney Stadium court case reveals the NSW government can cancel its contract with Lendlease to demolish Sydney Stadium for about $1 million.
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