№ 21 in Inside Westconnex
WestConnex links to Moore Park destruction
The NSW Berejiklian government announced last week that it plans to tear down and rebuild Sydney Cricket Ground Allianz stadium.
Wendy Bacon Journalist, activist
Menu№ 21 in Inside Westconnex
The NSW Berejiklian government announced last week that it plans to tear down and rebuild Sydney Cricket Ground Allianz stadium.
№ 20 in Inside Westconnex
Newtown residents weren't surprised when the NSW government broke its promise that there would no clearways on King St.
№ 19 in Inside Westconnex
When the first tollway fails to reduce traffic congestion, your next project comes into play. Tollways are the gift to the road lobby.
№ 18 in Inside Westconnex
The Westconnex planning process is ridden with conflicts of interest. The recent Federal audit report provides more disturbing examples.
№ 15 in Public Land is Our Land
The Crown Land Alliance is calling on NSW MPs to defer the passing of the Crown Land Bill until 2017
№ 17 in Inside Westconnex
Lucy Turnbull supports the NSW government's development agenda including WestCONnex. If she didn't, she wouldn't be head of the Greater Sydney Commission
№ 16 in Inside Westconnex
On January 7, I laid a complaint against the NSW Department of Planning & Environment for its inequitable & sloppy handling of submissions to the M4East
№ 14 in Public Land is Our Land
SMH's published but later removed a story about charity fundraising focussing on the Humpty Dumpty Foundation. I explain why I have republished the story.
AECOM was paid millions for the Westconnex M4 East tunnel EIS. Its critics are asking whether gaps & flaws in the EIS are due to conflicts of interest.
№ 15 in Inside Westconnex
Westconnex's 'community information' kiosk at Marrickville Metro might be better described as publicly funded misinformation