This NSW election New Matilda story by Nicole Gooch and I was about a Hunter Valley lobby group Newcastle Alliance which declared itself as a 'third party organisation' and ran print and radio ads urging voters not to vote Labor. The Non- Labor candidates included Mayor John Tait and Liberal Party candidate, Tim Owen, previously the deputy commander of Australian forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In the lead-up to the NSW 2011 State election, Nicole Gooch and I published a number of stories about the notorious Part 3 A leglislation which took power of planning decisions away from Local Council and gave it the Minister for Planning and panels appointed by the Minister. After the election, the new Liberal and National Party government is repealing Part 3A but it is not yet clear what form its replacement will take.
ROSEANNE CATT, who was convicted of attempting to poison her husband after a trial in which Patrick Power was the prosecutor, is asking the Director of Public Prosecutions to review her case.
The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal has upheld the appeal of Roseanne Catt against seven of her nine convictions, leaving it to the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions, Nick Cowdrey, to decide if she should be retried.