№ 38 in Inside Westconnex
WestConnex Strathfield monitor breaches PM 10 and PM 2.5 national limits in 2018
WestConnex Strathfield monitor was the only Sydney monitor to breach both PM 10 and PM 2.5 national limits in 2018.
Wendy Bacon Journalist, activist
Menu№ 38 in Inside Westconnex
WestConnex Strathfield monitor was the only Sydney monitor to breach both PM 10 and PM 2.5 national limits in 2018.
№ 37 in Inside Westconnex
PM 2.5 annual average levels 2018 : A comparison of WestConnex M4 East monitors with results for NSW OEH monitors
№ 36 in Inside Westconnex
NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Westconnex found unacceptable health impacts, hidden costs, failed complaints procedures and failed community consultation
On November 27th, I will give two workshops in investigative skills at 'Not-Only-Artist Run Initiative' Frontyard that will be free and open to anyone.
№ 35 in Inside Westconnex
The NSW government could face serious questions from a NSW parliamentary committee about the Sydney Gateway project.
№ 34 in Inside Westconnex
WestConnex contractors handling of complaints about a dust storm near Haberfield School on April 9, raises questions about the governance of WestConnex.
№ 33 in Inside Westconnex
A WestConnex St Peters public school monitor recorded the highest average levels of PM 10 of any monitoring site in Sydney in the first 3 months of 2018
№ 32 in Inside Westconnex
WestConnex blames NO2 spike on faulty monitors and denies there is a problem with PM 2.5 levels at Haberfield School
№ 31 in Inside Westconnex
How can the community trust WestConnex air monitoring when NO2 spikes over several days and then disappears without explanation?
№ 30 in Inside Westconnex
NSW Planning approved WestConnex Stage 3 despite receiving formal advice from the NSW EPA that a more detailed environment assessment of impacts was needed