Imagining an Independent Inquiry into Federal Attorney General Christian Porter
Porter denies a rape allegation but does this really settle the question of his fitness for the office of Australia's first law officer?
Porter denies a rape allegation but does this really settle the question of his fitness for the office of Australia's first law officer?
After visiting the site of the first Green Ban, Kelly's Bush, I wondered if it might be time for some new public art in that location.
Finally, after 119 years, NSW is on the cusp of abortion reform - no more delay and no more amendments, say health and legal organisations
It's taken more than a century of brave action by women to decriminalise abortion in NSW
№ 16 in Public Land is Our Land
№ 41 in Inside Westconnex
№ 4 in NSW 2019 state election
Here are 2 stories and one video that I want to share before the NSW election. Abortion -It's Time; Selling NSW -Berejiklian style; and a video about tolls
№ 30 in Roseanne Beckett: A Miscarriage of Justice
Roseanne Beckett spent 10 years in prison for crimes she didn't commit. Finally, this week she won her battle for compensation.
№ 7 in Women‘s Refuges
This story is based on a speech for Students for Women's Only Services vigil 'Stop Killing Women' held on May 25 at UTS.
№ 6 in Women‘s Refuges
Problems have continued to emerge since NSW handed a number of refuges over to faith-based organisations.
№ 5 in Women‘s Refuges
The shake-up last year of women's refuges by the NSW Government is having dire consequences for vulnerable women and children.
№ 29 in Roseanne Beckett: A Miscarriage of Justice
For 25 years, the State has maintained Roseanne Beckett is guilty. So, John Maconachie's opening in the malicious prosecution trial held no surprises.
№ 4 in Women‘s Refuges
In June, Sydney's Muslim Women's Association refuge faced closure. After a strong campaign, it won back its NSW government funding
№ 3 in Women‘s Refuges
As a range of inner city services are saved from the NSW Goverment’s axe, attention is turning to the fate of refuges in regional areas.
№ 27 in Roseanne Beckett: A Miscarriage of Justice
On day two of his opening, Paul Blacket SC explains how the Roseanne Beckett frame-up was aimed at helping her husband escape sexual assault charges.
№ 26 in Roseanne Beckett: A Miscarriage of Justice
Paul Blacket SC opens the case for the plaintiff in Becket v The State of NSW on July 28, 2014.
№ 2 in Women‘s Refuges
More than 25 feminist women’s refuges in NSW have lost their government funding, with their buildings being handed over to religious or other charities.
№ 1 in Women‘s Refuges
2014 is the 40th birthday of Elsie’s, a refuge for women escaping domestic violence. It began as a women's liberation squat in inner Sydney.
№ 8 in Women in the Media
This year women cleaned up at the Walkleys - but surveys show discrimination in the media is still rife. Wendy Bacon on the surprising results of our Women in the Media study into TV current affairs.
When you criticise Rupert Murdoch's News Corp you should expect a backlash, as Wendy Bacon found when she published her report on the coverage of climate change at Australian newspapers.
№ 7 in Women in the Media
Men still outnumber women in the most powerful positions in TV news and current affairs, write Wendy Bacon, Elise Dalley and Alex Holder as they continue our Women in the Media series.
When I woke this morning, the first images that came into my mind were those of naked corpses of young Sri Lankan Tamil women.
№ 6 in Women in the Media
Today we published Part 4 of our New Matilda 'Where are the women in the media?' series. On Tuesday, we published Part 3 of our investigation which was a gender breakdown of by lines on a particular day. We called it a 'snapshot' and suggested more research is needed.
№ 5 in Women in the Media
The Women in the Media project tackles the sources journalists turn to for quotes and expert opinion. Whose voices get heard?
№ 4 in Women in the Media
The Women in the Media project came under fire yesterday in the pages of The Australian. Wendy Bacon and Elise Dalley respond to claims that their report wasn't 'borne out by the facts'.
№ 3 in Women in the Media
I'd just finished watching an ABC Q&A show about feminism and decided to take a flick through SMH on iPad before retiring. I started noticing lots of male images. Had the program on feminism oversensitised me to sexism? But it wasn't the first time I'd noticed what seemed an overwhelming preponderance of male images on the SMH iPad version. Indeed it was questions about whether my initial perceptions were accurate or simply the product of an odd bad male day at SMH that led me to get involved in New Matilda's Where are the women in the media? project. We're looking for hard facts. Part 3's on the way.
№ 2 in Women in the Media
There are some strong female voices who write op-eds and commentary for the mainstream media - but men still dominate.
№ 1 in Women in the Media
Today New Matilda launches the Women In Media project - an investigation into gender and the media.